White Village is like home, but with none of the frills. It is a pop up village changing weekly, inhabited with people who aren’t usually your neighbors. It is a place that has been my home for fifteen years, years that are counted by one week each August.
White Village is a family vacation in the sixties, except for the WIFI.
White Village is on the edge of a continent, on a spit of land that is always in transition.
White Village is a dream of a simple life by the sea, with a view.
White Village records the passing of time. These photos document a temporary, transitional, coastal community on the edge of the east coast; a community of friends and strangers, and the sky and the bay. These photographs are witness to incredible change; in the constant change of the tide, in the shifting coastline and winds, in the growth of children into adults, and youthful parents into middle aged ones; all measured as the sky changes from sun to storm to sun.